Lucky Porn Reviews

About Our New Ratings

Lucky Porn Reviews ratings are based on a 5-point system. Each rating category can get from 0 to 5 points, the best being 5. Once all are added together, we subtract any issue points, then average the total amount to get the overall score. We do are best to be fair and not arbitrary.

Content Quality: Content Quality is rated by the quality of the video - how it appears at its original size and enlarged. Things we consider in the score include how sharp and clear the video is, moving pixels in the background, how well lit the video is and whether it's shaky. Pics we view with an eye to sharpness, clarity and whether it's well lit.

Content Quantity: Content Quantity is scored by the amount of content on the site itself. We do not include the amount of bonus content in this rating unless it is housed on the same server and domain. We also judge by niche, so a site in a very scarce niche may get a higher score for quantity than the same size site in a more general or common category.

Updates: Updates are rated according to frequency, completeness and size of updates.

Value: Value is rated by whether members get good value considering the site's size, features and update schedule vs the price. We do not include short or low-cost trial memberships in the value - this is based on full month memberships.

Features: Features can be anything from a model index or downloadable zip files to blogs, forums and offering several sizes of pic sets. Some sites have lots of features, some have none or only a couple.

Navigation: Navigation is rated by ease of use, links going where they're supposed to and whether a site has misleading links.

Reviewer Points: Reviewer points are extra points a reviewer can give a site based on things not inluded in the ratings. Sites may pick up extra points here due to personality, attractiveness or anything that made the site stand out.

Issues: Issues aren't just minor quibbles - issues are problems for members like a site no longer updating, having missing videos, things that don't work right or pricing and billing items that members want to know before signing up. This is our only negative score - a site with 1 issue point will get a negative point that is subtracted from the rest of the ratings.

And there you have it - the way we at Lucky Porn Reviews rate our sites and what we consider for each rating!